If you’re using the Svelte framework to develop your app, ensure your ditto instance remains accessible throughout your app by using the writable function from the top-most scope of your app:

  1. From the top-most scope of your app, import Ditto.
  2. Using async await, initialize Ditto.
  3. Provide your access credentials:
    1. Replace the appID placeholder value with the app ID that identifies your app in Ditto.
    2. Replace the token placeholder value with your playground token that the Big Peer uses to verify your digital identity before issuing your playground certificate.
import { writable } from "svelte/store";

let ditto = writable([]);
let subscription = writable([]);

ditto.set(new Ditto(identity))
subscription.set($ditto.store.collections("cars").find("color == 'red'").subscribe())