The server looks at the incoming credentials to decide whether to let a peer synchronize with the server or not. You provide all of the signing and verifying keys yourself through the SDK, thereby making the resulting JWTs (JSON Web Tokens) properly authenticate with Ditto.

Now the web browser peer has a way to log in and sync with Ditto, in OnlineWithAuthentication mode, while other devices are in SharedKey mode.

In this arrangement, the C# server peer chooses the read and write permissions that each authenticating peer will receive. After login, if you proceed to sync using the WebSocket transport, be aware that there is no permission control in the reverse direction: the server peer is always granted read/write access to all documents.


First, you need to create three keys:

  • A signing key in PEM format:
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -text | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -out priv.key
  • A verifying key in PEM format:
openssl ec -in priv.key -pubout -out pub.key


We will have two small peer Ditto instances running locally:

  • One configured as an HTTP listener and identity provider.
  • One configured as a WebSocket client.
See the full code in the Samples Repository

Server Code

The server and their other devices can use SharedKey identity while a web browser can connect to this C# peer over LAN and sync.

string appId = "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE";
string verifyingKey = @"-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

string signingKey = @"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----
-----END PRIVATE KEY-----";

string license = "...";
string sharedKey = "...";

var serverIdentity = DittoIdentity.SharedKey(
var serverDitto = new Ditto(serverIdentity);
serverDitto.DeviceName = "TestServer";

// Server is an HTTP/WebSocket server only
var serverConfig = new DittoTransportConfig();
serverConfig.Listen.Http.Enabled = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.InterfaceIp = "";
serverConfig.Listen.Http.Port = 45001;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.WebsocketSync = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.IdentityProvider = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.IdentityProviderSigningKey = signingKey;
catch (DittoException ex)
    Console.WriteLine("There was an error starting Ditto.");
    Console.WriteLine("Here's the following error");
    Console.WriteLine("Ditto cannot start sync but don't worry.");
    Console.WriteLine("Ditto will still work as a local database.");

// Handle any incoming authentication requests
serverDitto.DittoIdentityProviderAuthenticationRequest += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine("\nGot Request: ");
    if (args.AppId == appId && args.ThirdPartyToken == "jellybeans")
        var success = new DittoAuthenticationSuccess();
        success.AccessExpires = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0);
        success.UserId = "bob";
        success.ReadEverythingPermission = true;
        success.WriteEverythingPermission = true;

Client Code

Integrate this into your web application. Because it’s a web browser, only the WebSocket transport is available.

const authHandler = {
    authenticationRequired: async function(authenticator) {
      console.log("Login request.");
      await authenticator.loginWithToken("jellybeans", "provider");
    authenticationExpiringSoon: function(authenticator, secondsRemaining) {
      console.log(`Auth token expiring in ${secondsRemaining} seconds`)

const identity = {
    type: 'onlineWithAuthentication',
    appID: "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE",
    authHandler: authHandler,
    enableDittoCloudSync: false,
    customAuthURL: ""

const ditto = new Ditto(identity, 'ditto')

const config = new TransportConfig()

Enabling HTTPS

The Ditto Authentication server has two modes - http and https. If those fields are empty (the default) then Ditto will create an HTTP listener, and you use http:// and ws:// URLs in the JavaScript client.

This section will walk you through how to create a self-signed certificate to set up an HTTPS authentication server on your own server or locally for development. Another common way to have HTTPS is to make your application server run HTTP and then use a standard reverse proxy to terminate the TLS, which is not covered by these examples.


For development with HTTPS, you can create a self-signed certificate using openssl:​

openssl req -new -newkey rsa:4096 -x509 -sha256 -days 365 -nodes -out MyCertificate.crt -keyout MyKey.key
Generating a 4096 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to 'MyKey.key'
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:US
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:PA
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Philadelphia
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:MyCompany
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:MyApp
Common Name (e.g. server FQDN or YOUR name) []:
Email Address []

Update your C# server code​.

Set TlsKeyPath and TlsCertificatePath so that they contain paths to a valid TLS key and certificate, then your server will become an HTTPS listener at the given port.

// Server is an HTTP/WebSocket server only
var serverConfig = new DittoTransportConfig();
serverConfig.Listen.Http.Enabled = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.InterfaceIp = "";
serverConfig.Listen.Http.Port = 45001;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.WebsocketSync = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.IdentityProvider = true;
serverConfig.Listen.Http.TlsKeyPath = "/path/to/MyKey.key";
serverConfig.Listen.Http.TlsCertificatePath = "/path/to/MyCertificate.crt";
serverConfig.Listen.Http.IdentityProviderSigningKey = signingKey;

Update your client code​.

Now, use https:// and wss:// URLs in the Client SDK.

const identity = {
    type: 'onlineWithAuthentication',
    appID: "YOUR_APP_ID_HERE",
    authHandler: authHandler,
    enableDittoCloudSync: false,
    customAuthURL: ""

const ditto = new Ditto(identity, 'ditto')

const config = new TransportConfig()

Trust the certificate.

Visit and manually go through the steps to accept the cert in your browser.


  • If you have a typo in either directory name or path, you’ll get ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED.
  • If you have it set to the right path but with an untrusted certificate, you’ll get ERR_CERT_INVALID.
  • You get ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR when the trusted certificate doesn’t match the one you’re using as the TlsCertificatePath.

You can also set up your own DNS record, so you access the host via rather than

  • Create a static record on your LAN’s DNS server
  • Create an entry in the hosts file.