The DELETE keyword is only available in the Small Peer SDK. Big Peer support will be coming soon. To delete documents via the Big Peer HTTP API use the TOMBSTONE keyword.

For more information on how to use delete and manage data reach out to Ditto’s Customer Support

In Ditto, there are two key concepts for removing documents:

  1. Document Deletions using the DELETE keyword in DQL
  2. Document Evictions using the EVICT keyword in DQL

Deletions and evictions are designed to work together to give you flexibility in managing data within your Ditto application.

  • Use DELETE when you want to permanently remove a document from a collection. Once a document is deleted with DELETE, it is considered gone from the user’s perspective and cannot be recovered.
  • Use EVICT when you want to remove data only from the local device. Evictions are useful for scenarios where Small Peers only need to store and sync part of the database. Evicting a document doesn’t delete it from the system — it just frees up local storage.

In general, for applications with both Big Peers and Small Peers, the typical approach is:

  • Use DELETE to manage permanent deletion on Big Peers.
  • Use EVICT to manage data on Small Peers.

Here’s an example to show how these might work together:

Imagine a system where Small Peers only need to keep documents for 3 days due to storage limits, while Big Peers store documents for 90 days to meet data retention requirements. In this case, the Small Peers would evict any document older than 3 days, removing them from local storage without deleting them from the system. After 90 days, the user would use the Big Peer HTTP API to permanently delete the documents.

Deleting Data

To ensure deleted documents are automatically cleaned up from the system set the TOMBSTONE_TTL_ENABLED system parameter to true after Ditto initialization. This will be enabled by default in an upcoming release.


For more details, see Advanced>Customizing System Settings

The DELETE keyword in DQL permanently removes one or more specified documents from the Ditto system. Once deleted these document are non-recoverable.

DELETE FROM cars WHERE _id = '123'
For complete DQL syntax for deleting, see DELETE.

Example DELETE

await"DELETE FROM cars WHERE _id = '123'");

Deleting Multiple Documents in a Collection

All documents specified in the DELETE condition will be permanently deleted. The ids of deleted document can be referenced using the mutatedDocumentIDs method on the result.

The following example permanently deletes all blue cars stored in the cars collection:

let result = await
  "DELETE FROM cars WHERE color = 'blue'");

result.mutatedDocumentIDs.forEach() { print($0) }

Design Considerations When Using DELETE

  • DELETE will permanently remove the selected documents from the system.
  • Document tombstones are an internal system concept and are not accessible to the user.
  • Document tombstones are only shared with devices that have seen the document before it’s deletion event. Peers will not receive tombstones for documents that they have never known about.
  • Document tombstones consist of the document id and fields of the document at the time of deletion. All values are removed.
  • Tombstone reaping and removal can cause performance issues for large data sets. Customers with large numbers of deleted documents should specifying a reaper_preferred_hour and enable enable_reaper_preferred_hour_scheduling to ensure minimal business impact.
  • If Ditto is not running on a Small Peer device during the reaper_preferred_hour expired tombstones will not be evicted.

Advanced: Configuring Tombstone Removal

Auto cleanup of expired tombstones is currently disabled by default. To enabled auto removal set the TOMBSTONE_TTL_ENABLED system parameter to true after Ditto initialization. This will be enabled by default in an upcoming release.


For more details, see Advanced>Customizing System Settings

To ensure all peers in the system are aware of a deleted document the Ditto system keeps a compressed version of the document, called a document tombstone. A document tombstone indicates the document is deleted and is used to shared with other peers in the mesh that a document is deleted.

When a document is deleted all of the mutable document information is removed. The remaining document information includes the document’s ID (_id) and metadata about the document including the time the document was deleted (deletion timestamp).

Document tombstones have a deletion timestamp. Once the timestamp goes beyond the set time to live (TTL) the document tombstone is considered expired and will be removed in a process called the tombstone reaping. Tombstone reaping is where the Ditto system scans for and removes expired tombstones. Tombstone reaping runs once daily by default.

Document tombstones by default are retained on Small Peer devices for 7 days before being automatically removed. The Ditto system keeps document tombstones around ensures all peers are aware of the deleted document. Once the document tombstone is removed from the system there will be no history of the document’s existence.

Configuring Document Tombstone Retention on the Small Peer

Ditto offers a set of 5 system properties for configuring Tombstone retention on a Small Peer. All properties can be enabled using the ALTER SYSTEM command on a Small Peer device. For help configuring a retention policy that’s best for your use case reach out to Ditto’s Customer Support

Default configuration:

  • Tombstone removal is disabled. To enable set system parameter TOMBSTONE_TTL_ENABLED to true.
  • Scanning for expired tombstones, also known as tombstone reaping, happens shortly after the instance is created.
  • Tombstone reaping, occurs once a day from the initial reaping.
  • Tombstones are marked as expired 7 days from the time of their deletion event. An expired tombstone will be removed in the following reaping.
  • Tombstone reaping
default:"`168` (7 days)"

Evicting Data

The EVICT method, once invoked, immediately removes the specified document(s) from the local Ditto store, making it inaccessible by local queries.

For complete DQL syntax, see EVICT.

Although the document you evicted is removed from the local Ditto store, the document stored within remote Ditto stores persists.

To prevent the evicted data from reappearing on the screen in a single flicker, make sure to stop subscriptions before you call EVICT; otherwise, the subscription remains active and even if you reset the data in your end-user environment, the evicted data momentarily reappears.

The EVICT keyword in DQL immediately removes one or more specified documents from the local Ditto store, making it inaccessible by local queries.

EVICT FROM cars WHERE _id = '123'
For complete DQL syntax on evicting, see EVICT.

Example EVICT

await"EVICT FROM cars WHERE _id = '123'");

Evicting Multiple Documents in a Collection

All documents specified in the EVICT condition, will be evicted. The ids of evicted document can be referenced using the mutatedDocumentIDs method on the result.

The following example evicts all blue cars stored in the cars collection from the local Ditto store:

let result = await
  "EVICT FROM cars WHERE color = 'blue'");

result.mutatedDocumentIDs.forEach() { print($0) }

Using Evict with Sync Subscriptions

Because evicting a document only removes it from the local device but not the large system other peers, including the Big Peer, will still have the document and if not managed properly the document will return with the result of a sync subscription.

For example, if you have an active subscription for fetching 'blue' cars and you subsequently evict a document with the ID '123456' that matches the replication query, connected peers will notice that you are missing document '123456' that matches your subscription for 'blue' cars and send it back to you. To prevent this from happening you need to ensure that any active sync subscriptions don’t contain documents you plan on evicting from the device.

Coordinating Evictions

If you want to indicate that a batch of documents are irrelevant and, although they are to be retained, should not sync across peers, add the isSafeToEvict field to the document property tree. Then, use a method to alert clients to flag any documents they consider irrelevant.

Ditto Document

{ "\_id": "abc123", "color": "red", "mileage": 40000, "isSafeToEvict": true, "createdAt": "2023-05-22T22:24:24.217Z" }

To ensure that peers continue replicating documents that are considered relevant, incorporate isSafeToEvict == false into their sync subscription query.

This approach restricts replication only to documents that peers mark as ‘true’ for isSafeToEvict. Once flagged, the peers clear irrelevant documents from their caches, all the while normal transactional operations continues without interruption.

await"EVICT FROM cars WHERE isSafeToEvict = true");

Advanced Design Pattern: Soft-Delete Pattern

If you need a data recovery option, instead of permanently removing the data from the local Ditto store like EVICT, opt for a soft-delete pattern.

A soft-delete pattern is a way to flag data as inactive while retaining it for various requirements, such as archival evidence, reference integrity, prevention of potential data loss due to end-user error, and so on.

Adding a Soft-Delete Flag

To add a soft-delete pattern, set the isArchived field value to true:

  "_id": "123",
  "color": "blue",
  "isArchived": true // add this field

Querying Non-Archived Documents

To query to monitor documents that are NOT* *archived, establish a live query where isArchived is set to false, and then construct your live query callback.

It’s likely that the isArchived field is set lazily (i.e. has no value until it is true), so you can use the coalesce() function to automatically return false if the value is unset. The following code demonstrates searching for documents that are unarchived:

let result = await"""
  FROM cars
  WHERE coalesce(isArchived, false) = false

Removing Soft-Delete Flag

To remove the flag and reactivate the document, set the isArchived field to false:

  UPDATE cars
  SET isArchived = false
  WHERE _id = '123'

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