The Flutter SDK follows a separate release cadence from our other SDKs to provide flexibility for the initial GA release. During the 4.9.* series, the Flutter release version may not align with other SDKs. This will be resolved starting with 4.10.0.
Release Date: Feb 26, 2024


Fixed: Fixed a bug that caused observer events to not be triggered in profile and release mode (either via the onChange parameter or the StoreObserver.changes stream)

Release Date: Feb 24, 2024


Added: Support for Flutter 3.19 for iOS and Android

Changed: Failing to call await Ditto.init() will now throw. This is to prevent improper initialization.

Changed: ditto.transportsConfig = config; will now throw if config enables transports which don’t exist on the current platform (e.g. AWDL on Android or P2P Wifi on iOS).

TransportConfig.setAllPeerToPeerEnabled() will now take the current platform into account, and will only modify transports which are available. A newly created Ditto instance will not have transports enabled that are not available on the current platform

Fixed: Resolve an uncaught exception that could happen in ditto.presence.graph when there were P2PWifi connections.

Fixed: The persistence directory behaves differently if a relative path is provided.

If a relative path is provided, it will be treated as a subdirectory of getApplicationDocumentsDirectory(). If an absolute path is given, its value is not modified. The persistenceDirectory parameter in is now optional, and defaults to "ditto". If the directory does not exist, it will be created.

4.9.0 (GA Release)
Release Date: Jan 27, 2024

4.9.0 (GA Release)

We’re excited to announce the General Availability of the Ditto Flutter SDK! Designed to empower developers building cross-platform apps, the Flutter SDK delivers reliable real-time data synchronization and offline-first capabilities, now production-ready!

API Support Guarantees

General Availability (GA) means API stability! Starting with 4.9.0 Ditto will guarantee semver support of all APIs following industry standards. For more on semver see

Changes from the Public Preview

To provide the best product with our GA release we’ve made some final modifications to the underlying architecture that bridges Dart and the Ditto Core for Android. The goal with this change is to provide a higher quality product with improved performance, reliability, and developer experience.

These changes provide the following benefits:

  • Enhanced developer ergonomics through synchronous APIs
  • Improved performance for all operations across all platforms
  • Reduced complexity improving reliability
  • Reduced background operations for better battery life
  • Lower memory consumption

Breaking Changes

This release contains a handful of minor syntax changes to provide an improved developer experience and better support the underlying framework. These syntax changes all stem from the ability to support non-async calls across the Dart-Ditto Core FFI.

In the initial Dart-Ditto implementation all Dart internal calls were required to make async calls into Ditto. This required us to make all Ditto API methods async. Due to the improvements with our recent changes we are now able to provide synchronous methods. This change will bring a more natural developer experience.

Ditto Initialization Required using await Ditto.init()

From 4.9.0 and later it’s required to call await Ditto.init() before using any Ditto functionality. Failing to do so can result in incorrect initialization of Ditto and unexpected failures.

Notably, this must happen after WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized() has been called.

Flutter’s runApp already calls WidgetsFlutterBinding.ensureInitialized(), so if calling Ditto.init() inside the initState of a StatefulWidget, it will just work.

To initialize Ditto in main, use the following syntax:

Future<void> main() async {
    await Ditto.init();

Select asnyc functions have become sync

Select functions that don’t require asynchronous execution have been converted from async to standard sync operations.

Changed Methods Include:

  • ditto.startSync();
  • ditto.sync.registerSubscription(...);

Example with basic replacement:

// Previous syntax
final observer = await"SELECT * FROM tasks");

// New syntax
final observer ="SELECT * FROM tasks");

Example chaining Future’s with .then() (often seen in initState()):

// Previous syntax"SELECT * FROM tasks").then((observer) {
  setState(() {
    _observer = observer;

// New syntax
final observer ="SELECT * FROM tasks");
setState(() {
    _observer = observer;

Methods to setter/getter variables

Async getter/setter method pairs have been converted to properties using Dart’s getter/setter syntax, for a more natural developer experience.

Changed Methods Include:

DittoLogger.setMinimumLogLevel(...) DittoLogger.getMinimumLogLevel(...)DittoLogger.minimumLogLevel
DittoLogger.setCustomLogCallback(...) DittoLogger.getCustomLogCallback(...)DittoLogger.customLogCallback


// Previous syntax
await DittoLogger.setMinimumLogLevel(LogLevel.debug);
await DittoLogger.getMinimumLogLevel();

// New syntax
DittoLogger.minimumLogLevel = LogLevel.debug;
// Previous syntax
await DittoLogger.setCustomLogCallback((logLevel, logString) {
    print("$logLevel: $logString");

// New syntax
DittoLogger.customLogCallback = (logLevel, logString) {
    print("$logLevel: $logString");

Boolean functions renamed from getFoo/setFoo to isFoo

For property types where the value type is bool, the functions will have been renamed from getFoo and setFoo to isFoo.

Changed Methods Include:

DittoLogger.setEnabled() DittoLogger.getEnabled()DittoLogger.isEnabled
ditto.setTransportConfig() ditto.getTransportConfig()ditto.transportConfig


// Previous syntax
await DittoLogger.setEnabled()
await DittoLogger.getEnabled()

// New syntax
// Previous syntax
await ditto.setTransportConfig()
await ditto.getTransportConfig()

// New syntax

Select Async Initialization is now Sync

Objects with async constructors that didn’t require asynchronous initialization have been changed for a more natural developer experience.

Changed Methods Include:

  • All Identity subclass (E.g. OnlinePlaygroundIdentity)


// Previous syntax
final identity = await OnlinePlaygroundIdentity.create(
  appID: appID,
  token: token,

// New syntax
final identity = OnlinePlaygroundIdentity(
  appID: appID,
  token: token,

Restricted Class Modifiers

Many of our types are now either final classes (which prevent all subtyping), or interface classes (which allow implements but disallow other forms of subtyping).

If you were previously extending or implementing a type and this is now disallowed, you can create a wrapper type:


// Previous syntax
class MockDitto extends Mock implements Ditto {}

// New syntax
class DittoWrapper {
    final Ditto _ditto;
    // constructor

    Future<List<Task>> loadTasks() => ...;

class MockDitto extends Mock implements DittoWrapper {}

Some types may explicitly allow subtyping. Follow the API docs to understand when subtyping is best used.

Removal of dart:io types in public API

Directory and File are no longer found in our public API.

For example previously took a Directory persistenceDirectory, but this has been changed to String.

This can be resolved by calling .path:

// Previous syntax
final persistenceDirectory = Directory("/my/cool/directory");
final ditto = await
  persistenceDirectory: persistenceDirectory,
  // ...

// New syntax
final persistenceDirectory = Directory("/my/cool/directory");
final ditto = await
  persistenceDirectory: persistenceDirectory.path,
  // ...

Min Kotlin Gradle Plugin Version Upgraded to 1.8.0

Supporting new Android capabilities requires using Kotlin Gradle Plugin version 1.8.0 or later.

To upgrade:

  1. Navigate to the root folder
  2. Open ./android/settings.gradle
  3. Update the plugin to 1.8.0
    plugins {
        // ...
        id "" version "1.8.0" apply false
Release Date: Oct 25, 2024

Final Preview Release

Contains: Reliability and stability improvements.

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