Platform Manual


For instructions on how to enable system-wide configurations, see any of the following:

Bluetooth Low Energy


The following distances and bandwidth limitations and capacities are approximations and vary depending on the Bluetooth® firmware installed in the end-user environment.

Syncing large documents can significantly impact network performance:

Caution is advised when handling large binary data, such as a high-resolution image or video exceeding 50 megapixels; a deeply embedded document; or a very large document.

Instead of storing files exceeding 250kb directly within a document object, carefully consider using ATTACHMENT . For more information, see Attachment Objects.

Most devices manufactured during or after 2017 are equipped with Bluetooth LE version 5.0. 

Bandwidth Capacity

Discoverability Range

Distance Durability

20-kilobyte (KB) maximum per 1-second interval

30- to 60-meter maximum

  • For v.4.0, 80-meter maximum
  • For v.5.0, 130-meter maximum


Peer-to-Peer Wi-Fi

The bandwidth capacity and distance limitation of peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connections depend on the end-user environment, as different devices and platforms support varying Wi-Fi technologies.

The following table provides an overview of the Wi-Fi technologies Ditto supports, organized by platform:

Apple Wireless Direct Link


AWDL-enabled mesh communication between Apple-based peers has significantly higher bandwidth compared to Bluetooth LE, allowing for low-latency, high-speed data transfers.

Bandwidth Capacity

Discoverability Range

Distance Durability

  • 5 GHz frequency range
  • 1-Gigabyte maximum per 8-second interval

30-to 60-meter maximum

35-meter maximum


With an average maximum range of 35 meters from point-to-point, AWDL allows for shorter distances of communication compared to Bluetooth LE, which can be sustained for distances up to 130 meters.

Wi-Fi Aware

Wi-Fi Aware technology is a new open standard that you can use to establish a mesh network connection between devices running on the Windows or Android platform. 


Wi-Fi Aware, similar to AWDL for the Apple platform, offers significantly higher bandwidth compared to Bluetooth LE, allowing for low latency, high-speed data transfers between Android or Windows devices:

The following specifications are approximations; the type of device and platform as well as its network configurations ultimately determine range and performance.

Bandwidth Capacity

Discoverability Range

Distance Durability

  • 2.4- to 5-GHz frequency range
  • 1 Gigabyte per 8-second interval

100- to 300-meter maximum

100- to 300-meter maximum


Wi-Fi Aware connections have a limited range of shorter distances of communication compared to Bluetooth LE, which can be sustained for distances up to 130 meters. 

Local Area Network


In general, Local Area Network connections offer significantly higher bandwidth capacities compared to Bluetooth LE, allowing for low latency, high-speed data transfers:

The following specifications are approximations; the quality of the network infrastructure, as well as the network configurations and amount of network traffic ultimately determine range and performance.

Disabled by default, if you want devices located within the same LAN to find and identify each other automatically, manually enable IP multicasting entitlement for each device. For more information, see Optimizations, as follows.

Bandwidth Capacity

Discoverability Range

Distance Durability

Traditional LANs: 1- to 10-Mbps maximum; higher for fiber-optic LANs

200-meter maximum

200-meter maximum


The following are common conditions that contribute to a decline in LAN performance:



Network congestion

When there is a high volume of network traffic, in which multiple devices utilize the LAN at the same time, data transfer speeds and response times lag.

Distance to the router or access point

When devices are physically located far away from the router or access point, connections become unreliable or even unavailable altogether.

Network security and privacy

Network infrastructure enabled with various security controls, such as the Client Isolation Mode feature, may directly or indirectly affect performance. For more information, see Security and Privacy: Client Isolation Mode, as follows.

iOS direct connections with desktop-based apps

By default, iOS devices require the IP multicast entitlement to establish direct connections with desktop platforms, such as Windows. For more information, see iOS-to-Desktop Connections, as follows.


There are various strategies you can implement in your app to improve the overall responsiveness of your local area network (LAN), minimize bandwidth consumption, and enhance the reliability of your peer-to-peer LAN connections.

This section provides an overview of the different optimization strategies you can use to make the most out of your LAN setup.

Optional Discovery Protocol: IP Multicasting

Disabled by default, if you want devices located within the same LAN to find and identify each other automatically, manually enable IP multicasting entitlement.

Security and Privacy: Client Isolation Mode

If network infrastructure is configured with Client Isolation Mode enabled, devices are unable to discover each other and form a LAN connection.

Client Isolation Mode is a network security and privacy feature offered by most Wi-Fi routers and access points that prevents devices on the same Wi-Fi network from communicating directly with one another.

To ensure that Ditto’s discovery protocol is working effectively, it is important to disable the Client Isolation Mode feature on the Wi-Fi router or access point that you are using for the LAN. For instructions, see the official documentation provided by the manufacturer.

Note that the exact name of the feature may vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific model of the Wi-Fi router or access point; however, the term “isolation” is commonly included in the feature name.

iOS-to-Desktop Connections

Apple requires iOS device end users to grant permissions before a LAN connection with desktop-based devices can be established, such as an iOS device connecting directly with a desktop app running on the Windows operating system.

By default, iOS devices can connect with other mobile devices of any platform. For example, an iOS device can connect directly with an Android device over LAN.

If you want your iOS app to connect to desktop-based apps over LAN, request the multicast entitlement directly from Apple, and then, once received, add the multicast entitlement to your iOS app. For instructions, see the official Apple documentation > Entitlements >


Small Peers connect with the Big Peer by way of WebSocket connections.

A WebSocket is a full-duplex communication protocol that enables a long-lived connection between Small Peers and the Big Peer over a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP):

  • Communication is referred to as full-duplex when the client and server can communicate in a bidirectional, back-and-forth manner allowing for low-latency data exchange.
  • A connection is referred to as long-lived when, once established, it remains open for an extended period of time.
  • Known as the playground token, Small Peers use this JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate with the Big Peer; as long as your playground token is active, your connection persists. For more information, see Discover Basics > Getting Your Credentials.

Following are the most notable attributes of the WebSocket transport protocol and their connections:

  • Unlike other transports used for peer-to-peer communication, the WebSocket does not come with built-in automatic device discovery capabilities and requires manual configuration before a WebSocket connection between devices can be established.
  • WebSocket connections can be made over a Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) or Local Area Network (LAN). Since the TCP transport layer rests on top of the internet protocol (IP), WebSocket connections established over TCP require an internet connection; however, LAN-enabled WebSocket connections do not.
  • Supported on most devices, regardless of model and platform, the WebSocket communication protocol is one of the most commonly available transport protocols for real-time communication.