Platform Manual

Document Model

As a datastore that leverages conflict-free replicated data type (CRDT) technology to enable advanced sync capabilities, the foundation of each document is represented as a CRDT map. That is, when you invoke the Upsert method and create a new document object, you form a top-level map object at its root.

For example, the following snippet of a basic JSON-like document object actually represents a single map object:


If you need to represent a highly complex dataset in a document, you can embed a map within another map. For more information, see Embedding Map Structures, as follows.

Embedding Map Structures

Embedding a map provides a way for you to structure and organize related data within a single document to create a complex structure with multiple levels of hierarchy. As in, you can embed a map within a map, within another map, within another map, and so on.

You can model relationships between your data using foreign-key and key-value relationships by way of embedded maps and arrays. For more information, see Relationships.

For example, the following snippet shows three levels of embedded maps: details, engine, interior, and features.


Each level contains its own key-value pairs and, if used, children-level maps. You can represent key values using a register, counter, array, or another map. For more information, see Data Types.

Benefits of Embedding Maps

Embedding maps is beneficial in scenarios where you need to manage a collection of items and continuously modify that collection over time; that is you want to link multiple data items with a single unique string identifier, but you anticipate that these data items are subject to concurrent edits over time.

As an example, the following snippet demonstrates a basic Point-of-Sale (PoS) system where you need to keep track of the customer orders collection. And, since multiple users can add and remove orders within the collection, you embed a map to represent the ordered items, where each key denotes an item ID and the linked value indicates the quantity ordered:


Adding or Updating a Map