Platform Manual
Document Model
Complex Structures

Evaluation Criteria

The decision to use deeply embedded structures (JSON object and MAP) in a single document or opt for a flat model instead depends on your specific requirements, relationships between data, and tolerance for certain tradeoffs.

For information about the JSON object that functions as a REGISTER and the MAP data type, see Data Types.

The flat model is a simple, non‑embedded structure in which you spread your data across multiple separate documents. For more information, see Relationships > Good Pattern: Flat Models.

When assessing whether to embed a nested structure in a document or distribute the data across multiple smaller documents, refer to the following criteria to guide you:

Data Complexity

The following table provides criteria for the levels of complexity in your data model:



You have a clear relationship between data items stored together in a collection.


Your data items are relatively simple and do not need a strong relationship.


Query Performance

The following table provides criteria for the speed and efficiency of read and write operations:



You frequently retrieve or update the embedded items encapsulated key-value pairs together.

Embedded MAP

You frequently access or modify only certain parts of the data.


Data Size

The following table provides criteria for the potential size of the embedded MAP:

Syncing large documents can significantly impact network performance:

Caution is advised when handling large binary data, such as a high-resolution image or video exceeding 50 megapixels; a deeply embedded document; or a very large document.

Instead of storing files exceeding 250kb directly within a document object, carefully consider using the ATTACHMENT data type. For more information, see Data Types > ATTACHMENT.



You do not anticipate the embedded MAP to become too large and potentially impact overall system performance.


You anticipate the embedded MAP to increase in complexity and size and therefore become difficult to manage and so large that system performance degrades.



The following table provides criteria for the potential for concurrent edits and resulting merge conflicts:



It is very likely that your end users will modify the same data items stored locally on their respective environments while internet is unavailable.


It is not likely that your end users will modify the same data items stored locally on their respective environments while internet is unavailable.


Document Structure

The following table provides a criteria for assessing the overall structure of your documents:



Your embedded MAP are relatively simple in structure and do not require maintainability over time.


Multiple embedded MAP are becoming deeply nested; as in you have an embedded map representing three or more levels in a hierarchy, necessitating better organization.



The following table provides criteria for assessing how your data model may evolve over time:



You anticipate that you'll add more data or expand relationships in the future.


You do not anticipate that you'll add more data or expand relationships in the future.
