Execute a DQL query
Execute a Ditto Query Language (DQL) statement against your data store. DQL is a powerful query language that supports complex queries, updates, and data manipulation. This endpoint serves as the primary interface for running DQL operations. See the comprehensive DQL guide at https://docs.ditto.live/dql-guide for detailed syntax and examples.
Authentication using either an API key or JWT token in the Authorization header
Optional transaction ID that ensures consistency across operations. When provided, the operation will only execute if the Big Peer's current transaction ID meets or exceeds this value, preventing stale reads and ensuring causal consistency in your application.
Request parameters for executing a DQL statement. DQL is Ditto's powerful query language that supports complex queries and data modifications.
The DQL statement to execute. See https://docs.ditto.live/dql-guide for comprehensive documentation on DQL syntax and features.
Named parameters to use in the DQL statement, providing safe value substitution and better query performance
Response from executing a DQL statement. Contains query results, affected document IDs, and any warnings or errors that occurred.
Indicates the type of query that was executed
Total number of warnings generated during query execution
Indicates any run-time warnings that might arise during query execution
An error occurred that prevented the query from executing or completing successfully
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