Overview of RBAC

Previously, all end-user roles within an organization had the same access to app data. With the latest release, you can set fine-grained read-write access controls to app data.

For instance, create, modify, and delete custom roles; establish organization hierarchies for permissions delegation; set permissions for portal functionality like viewing collections, querying tokens, transferring apps between organizations; and more.

Since implementing role-based access control, organization members no longer have read-write access to app data by default.

To regain access, create custom roles that include permissions for accessing and modifying app data, and then assign these roles to the appropriate organization members. For instructions, see Creating Roles and Assigning Roles.

Organization Permissions Settings

When configuring access control for roles within an organization, there are various types of privileges you can choose from.

Available within the portal > **Settings **> Roles, the following graphic and corresponding table provide an overview of the various settings you can configure for roles within an organization:

As indicated using matching superscript numbers, some privileges have one or more dependencies with other privileges. For example:

  • ¹ Selecting **Accept incoming app transfer requests **automatically toggles View incoming app transfer requests, granting both read and write privileges.
  • ² Selecting Access audit logs automatically toggles View access grants, granting view access to active app transfer requests.
1Accept incoming app transfer requests¹Initiate, approve, or cancel requests to transfer apps between organizations.
2Create an appSet up new apps.
3View organization detailsAccess and view details related to the organization.
4Reject incoming app transfer requestsDecline requests from other organizations to transfer apps to the organization.
5View access grants²𝄒⁴Review the permissions granted to specific users, roles, or organizations.
6Access audit logs²𝄒³Review audit logs.
7Manage organization membersOversee and administer the membership of an organization.
8View incoming app transfer requests¹𝄒²𝄒³See requests from other organizations to transfer apps into the organization.
9Update the organization detailsModify information related to the organization.
10Manage access grantsControl and administer access privileges granted to other roles within the organization.

App Permissions Settings

Following is an overview of the various settings that, once assigned, grant end users the ability to manage the app. (See Creating Roles)

1Cancel a request for an app transferWithdraw active requests to transfer apps to other organizations.
2Delete an appPermanently remove apps.
3Delete API keysRevoke authentication and authorization to access to app data.
4View app detailsAccess and review specific information and settings associated with apps.
5Access offline-only licenses²𝄒⁶View the licenses designating apps for offline usage.
6Update app detailsModify the information and settings associated with apps.
7Modify app dataMake changes to mesh-generated transactional data.
8Request offline-only licensesManage the licenses designating apps for offline usage.
9Create API keys⁶𝄒⁸Generate unique identifiers used for authentication and authorization access to app data.
10View app metricsReview various analytics associated with apps.
11Access API keys²𝄒⁶𝄒⁷𝄒⁸View the API keys used for authentication and authorization to access app data.
12Initiate a request for the transfer of an appTransfer ownership of apps to other organizations.

Organization Roles

To establish role-based access controls for your organization:


Create new roles with the desired settings. (Creating New Roles)


Designate roles for the appropriate end users within your organization. (Assigning Roles to End Users)

Creating New Roles

To add a new role to your organization:


From your organization, click Settings.


Click Roles.


Click Add new role.


Click to select and deselect the settings you want to apply to your new role as desired, and then click Create role.

For organization members to regain read-write access to app data, enable Access app data and Modify app data in the **App permissions **as shown in the following graphic.

Once you’ve created your role with read-write access permissions, make sure to assign the role to your members as appropriate. (Assigning Roles)

Assigning Roles to End Users

Once you’ve created a role, designate them to the appropriate end users within your organization:


From Settings > Members, click Invite member located on the right.


From the Invite users modal that appears:

  1. Enter the email belonging to the end user you want to add.
  2. Click Role and select the role type you want to assign.
  3. Click Add to list.
  4. When finished adding end users to the invite, click Invite users.

Viewing Pending Member Invitations

Once a member is assigned a role, Ditto automatically sends a formal invitation to the email address specified in the invite, which must be accepted before RBAC privileges take effect.

To view a list of invitations waiting for approval, go to Settings > Members in the portal. A complete list of invitations display within Pending member invitations, as shown in the following graphic:

Modifying and Deleting Roles

To edit a role’s settings or permanently remove a role from your organization:


From your organization, click Settings.


Click Roles.


Click the three-dot menu next to the role you want to modify or delete:

  • To modify, select Edit.
  • To permanently remove, select Delete.

Ditto Employee Access Grants

There are circumstances in which Ditto’s support team requires elevated privileges to access your app data, for instance, to troubleshoot an issue.

Ditto employees can only access your app data with an approved access grant. An access grant is a formal authorization provided by any of the following to approve the access request initiated by Ditto:

  • Current organization owner
  • Organization roles configured with** Manage access grants** privileges

Once accepted, you can revoke access grants at any time. (See Revoking Access)

For more information, see Organization Permissions Settings and Accepting Access Grants.

Granting Access

To approve a Ditto-initiated access grant:


Click Apps.


From Access grants, click Accept.

Revoking Access

Once an access grant is approved, you can end access at any time:


Click Apps.


From Access grants, click Revoke access.