This article provides an overview of the attachment-related endpoints and functionality available for the HTTP Data API.

Attachments consist of two distinct parts: metadata and a binary large object* *(blob) datastore. (See ATTACHMENT)

Uploading Attachments

Using the Multipart Form method, upload the raw binary contents of the file you want to attach:

Although Ditto will eventually support attaching files of up to 20 MB in size, the current infrastructure supports only a 1 MB maximum limit.

curl -X POST "$HOST/api/v4/attachments/upload" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer ${API_KEY}" \
  -F 'file=@post.png'
#=> {"id": "RUGMUxzHDRH1x94uH_QcrkzUhV5-j6oFd1c9eAFMxNZDmQ", "len": 261322}

Downloading Attachments

Using /api/v4/attachment/{attachment_id}, download attachments:

curl "$HOST/api/v4/attachments/${ATTACHMENT_ID}" \
  --header "Authorization: Bearer $API_KEY" \
  --output file.png