The Device Dashboard is powered by the Small Peer Info (smallPeerInfo) Ditto system collection and avaiable for Ditto SDK version 4.4.0 and later.

Once enabled, you can access the following details for each device using the portal:

  • Mesh network connection status
  • Timestamp when last seen by the Big Peer cloud deployment
  • Names and unique identifiers
  • Operating System (OS)
  • Address peer key
  • Latest device logs
  • Custom user metadata

Viewing devices with Ditto SDK 4.8.0 and later

The Device Dashboard will automatically be populated with smallPeerInfo in the Ditto SDK 4.8.0 and later.

To opt out of having device data written and transmitted to the Portal, you must disable smallPeerInfo

ditto.smallPeerInfo.isEnabled = false

Viewing devices with Ditto SDK 4.4.0 - 4.7.x

In earlier versions of the Ditto SDK, the smallPeerInfo feature needs to be manually enabled to collect data. Enable smallPeerInfo before calling startSync() using the following steps:


Set smallPeerInfo.isEnabled set to true :

ditto.smallPeerInfo.isEnabled = true

Set the sync scope to BigPeer Only which indicates that the data should be synced to the Cloud (BigPeer). Default is that the data is only captured locally.

ditto.smallPeerInfo.syncScope = .bigPeerOnly

Viewing devices with Ditto SDK 4.3.x and Earlier

The devices dashboard is only supported on devices with SDK version 4.4.0 and later. You must upgrate your application to a support version to take advantage of this feature capability.

Custom User Defined Device Name

For cross-platform development or when targeting iOS, if you want the ability to uniquely identify devices within Ditto, call the deviceName property on the ditto namespace and specify the desired name.

This must be set before calling startSync() to take effect.

ditto.deviceName = "your device name"

Custom User Metadata

You can add custom device information into the device dashboard by setting the Small Peer Info metadata property on a device.

var metadata: [String: String] = [
    "app_version": "1.0.0",
    "device_id": "abc123"

// Set the object directly

// or

// Convert dictionary to JSON string
if let jsonData = try? metadata, options: []),
    let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8) {

    // Set with a JSON serialized payload